Monitor app traffic with APIs the app is using.
The platform offers the following app monitoring functions:
The platform includes a number of charts and logs to help you monitor your app's traffic with APIs it's using, from various different views. Chart data can be used to monitor your app's API usage over time or to troubleshoot errors. Usage logs that include request and response message data for message activity can be queried and viewed. See How do I monitor app performance?
From your App Details page, click Monitor on the left menu to access the monitoring features.
The options available are summarized in the table below.
This option... | Shows this information... |
Overview | Charts:
For more information, see How can I see a quick view of my app's performance? |
Charts | Performance charts. See How do I monitor app performance? |
Logs | Transaction logs. See How do I monitor my app's API usage logs? |
Licenses | Charts for licenses:
For more information, see How do I monitor my app's performance per license? |
The Apps > Monitor > Overview section includes a barometer-style Dashboard controls that allows you to view throughput, latency, and errors in real-time for your app's message traffic. Statistics are calculated for all APIs that you app is connected to. You can obtain statistics on a per-second or per-minute basis. The Dashboard displays statistics for the last 24 hours.
The App Monitoring Dashboard rescales based on the number of messages received and the time interval selected (sec or min). For example, if your app sent 50 messages in the last 5 seconds, the scale changes to 0-60.
The App Monitoring Dashboard provides the following control types:
You can view data for API usage; you can also export the data. See How do I export API usage data for APIs that my App is connected to?
Performance charts are included in the My Apps > Monitor > Charts page. They provide a mechanism for all platform members to view the performance of their apps and the APIs their apps are consuming. Chart data can be used to monitor API usage over time or to troubleshoot errors.
The Performance Chart functionality allows you to view performance in sandbox or production modes, and provides monitoring for tracking service response time and transaction faults. Charts are populated by usage "roll-up" data that is gathered during the processing of web service request and response messages. Historic usage and performance data can be queried and viewed in the Usage Logs section. See How do I monitor my app's API usage logs?
Performance Charts automatically scale the Y axis to show an appropriate range for the data shown. You can choose to scale to the average based on the selected interval, or you can set your own scaling.
Note: Updating of chart performance statistics using Refresh is based on your selected Duration and Interval, which together represents the total time range displayed.
Chart Types
The following performance chart types are supported for apps. All chart data is presented in milliseconds (ms).
Chart Name | Description |
Min / Max / Avg Response Time | Minimum, Maximum, and Average Response Times for transactions are depicted in a candlestick bar chart on the Y axis. You can also hover over each time interval and view a Datapoint pop-up that displays the Date, Time, Average, Max, and Min Response time of the transaction for the selected time interval. |
Success / Fault Throughput | Successful transactions and faults are depicted in a single chart with two Y axes. Successful transactions are depicted in a column chart. A vertical bar displays the number of transactions that have successfully processed for the selected response time range. Faults are depicted in a scatter chart. A red dot represents the number of faults associated with a specific time interval. |
Time Range
The Performance Chart includes a navigation control, located at the bottom of the chart, which allows you to navigate the Timeline based on the selected Duration and Time Interval. Throughput data can also be monitored on the timeline and is presented in a spline chart.
After you have targeted a timeline, there are several ways to view additional chart detail. The Zoom feature allows you to view chart data by clicking on a pre-defined interval (1 hour, 3 hour, 6 hour, 12 hour, All). The Data Point Popup allows you to hover over a specific datapoint to view response data detail including Date, Time, Average, Max, and Min.
Graph Controls
The Graph Controls section of a Performance Chart provides options for configuring the chart content (a specific API or all APIs), data capture and display intervals (Duration and Interval), as well as navigating and zooming the chart Timeline. Each chart displays data based on the currently approved environment (Sandbox or Production).
Field Name | Description |
Duration | A drop-down menu that allows you to select the time period to be shown on the chart. You can choose to show the last:
When you select a new duration, the Performance Chart data is automatically refreshed. |
Interval | A drop-down menu that allows you to select the interval for which the Performance Chart Timeline will present the data. Options adjust based on selected Duration. For example, if Duration is 5 minutes, Interval is 5 sec. If Duration is 1 year, Interval is 1 week. |
Zoom | A button control that allows you to view chart data in pre-defined intervals of All, 1 hour, 3 hours, 6 hours, and 12 hours. Note that selecting All can be used to reset the chart display to the current time based on the selected Duration and Interval. |
Refresh | A button that updates the chart data to the current time. |
A button that allows you to print the current chart by loading the chart into the browser and using the browser's Print feature. |
My Apps includes a Monitor > Logs section that provides options for filtering and viewing usage logs associated with app/API activity that has occurred in either the platform production and sandbox environments.
Field Name | Description |
Duration | A drop-down menu that allows you to select a time period for gathering report data. Options include 5 minutes, 1 hour, 1, day, or a custom date range. |
Time Period | From / To field displays that allow you to select a date range from a calendar pop-up. The ability to specify a date as filter criteria is enabled when the Duration drop-down menu is set to "Custom." To configure a time period, click in the From: and To: fields and select a date from the Calendar pop-up. The date is automatically entered in YYYY-MM-DD format. |
Field Name | Description |
Sent | The request date and request time (in milliseconds) when the request was received, with a link to a Usage Log Details report for the selected log record. |
API | The API associated with the request, with a link to the API Details page of the selected API. |
Method | The method associated with the request. |
Result | The transaction result error code (successful, with errors, etc.). |
Usage Log Details (Transport Header)
Field Name | Description |
API | The name of the API the message is associated with. |
Method | The name of the method (operation) the message is associated with. |
URL | The URL of the RESTful web service and specific function being used. |
Client Host | The host name of the client that made the request. |
Time Sent | The date and time (in milliseconds) when the request was made. |
Time Taken | The date and time (in milliseconds) when the request is made. |
Status Code | The HTTP response status code. |
Message Content | Request and response message content. |
Usage Log Details (Transport Headers for Request Message)
Field Name | Description |
Request Method | The HTTP verb for the message; generally POST, GET, PUT, or DELETE. |
Accept-Encoding | The compression schema used for encoding data. |
Authorization | Authentication credentials for HTTP authentication. |
Content-Type | The media type for the request message. |
User Agent | The user-agent for the message; for example, the browser type. |
Host | The domain name of the server. |
Message | The request message body. |
Usage Log Details (Transport Headers for Response Message)
Field Name | Description |
Date | The date and time that the message was sent. |
Content-Type | The media type for response message. |
Cache-Control | Tells all caching mechanisms from server to client whether caching is allowed for the message. Measured in seconds. |
Expires | Displays the date/time after which the response is considered out-of-date. |
Transfer-Encoding | The form of encoding used for the message (for example, deflate or gzip). |
Message | The response message body. |
The monitoring process captures your app's usage data for the APIs it is connected to. The API Usage section includes an Export function that allows you to export usage data in a .csv file. You can open the .csv file in a selected application or download it. The export data is based on statistics gathered in the last 24 hours.
If your app is subscribed to APIs that offer specific licenses, you might want to monitor your app's API consumption for each license.
The platform allows you to monitor your app's quota usage to check that it isn't exceeding the quota defined by the license you selected for your contract with the API.
From your App Details page, click Monitor on the left menu to access the monitoring features, and then click Licenses.
Monitoring information will only show up if your app has one or more contracts with APIs that offer licenses with defined quotas of API usage.
The options available are summarized in the table below.
This option... | Shows this information... |
API Quota Usage | Only valid if a quota policy is attached to a license that is applicable to the app/API contract. This chart shows app consumption of the API as a bar chart, with each time slot being a bar, and additionally displays the quota threshold as a line across the chart. If the app exceeds the consumption defined by the quota, the bar is shown in red; if the app consumption is within quota, the bar is blue. |
When you choose Monitor > Licenses, you can adjust the chart settings so that you see the exact information you need. Settings and their values are shown below.
Setting | Values/Description |
Endpoint | Sandbox or Production. |
Report period | A drop-down menu that allows you to select the time period to be shown in the chart. When you select a new duration, the Performance Chart data is automatically refreshed. Choices:
APIs | Defaults to All APIs, but you can choose a specific API. |
Licenses | Defaults to All Licenses, but you can choose a specific license. |
Graphs | App Quota Usage is the only option. |
The app monitoring feature allows you to review your app's activity with any APIs it's subscribed to, specific to any licenses that are applicable to the contract.
You can view monitoring charts and logs for any specific contract your app has with an API, as long as monitoring is turned on for the API.
Note: If the specified time period includes a point where the contract was revised, or suspended and resumed, or the contract was cancelled and a new one created, the chart or graph shows all transaction info between the app and the API in the selected time period. However, only in the case where the contract was revised, there is uninterrupted service. In other scenarios, service is suspended or stopped and is then resumed or restarted, with a period in between where the contract is not active.